If you want to wear the Tree of Life in lighter, softer tones, this black or blue Agate Stone Bracelet is exactly what you need!
- Jewel designed in natural stone
- Total size: Approximately 19 cm (for an inner diameter of 17.5 cm)
- Adjustable thanks to its elastic chain
- Ideal for Jade lovers!
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Properties of Agate Stone
Physical properties
Particularly used in lithotherapy, Agate has many healing properties. Its energies help the body to relax to reduce muscle pain . Agate also helps maintain good joints, especially the knees.
For skin problems such as acne or irritation , the softness of Agate helps alleviate these symptoms. Worn as a bracelet or necklace, the pearls are in direct contact with the epidermis. This allows the stone to act directly on skin concerns.
The vibrations of Agate promote the good circulation of fluids in the body. Blood flow is more regular, and the body feels more fit. With Agate, breathing is also more fluid . The whole body then feels relaxed and more at ease.
Psychic properties
Protective stone for thousands of years, Agate chase away negative influences that surround us. It is a powerful repellent to harmful and pessimistic people. By wearing it around the neck, it serves as a protective talisman.
Agate not only soothes the body but also the mind. It serves as an anti-stress and allows free ourselves from the pressure that surrounds us . It stabilizes anxiety and balances thoughts that can sometimes go in all directions. Anxieties gone, self-confidence takes hold.
Placing an Agate stone near the bed allows you to facilitate sleep and keep bad dreams away . Restful sleep is essential to being healthy and feeling good. With Agate, falling asleep healthily becomes easier.
What is the power of the Agate stone?
The third chakra, also called solar plexus , is directly linked to the psychic. It mainly focuses on the digestion of emotions and the balance of the other chakras. Placing a Yellow Agate under the navel activates it. This chakra nourishes the body with energy. If it malfunctions, negative emotions may appear. On the contrary, when this chakra is balanced, the body feels perfect control.
The frontal chakra, or third eye , is the center of consciousness. By activating this chakra we promote intuition and facilitate decision-making. Blue Agate helps keep the third eye in balance. Conscience then separates itself from prejudices and gives way to certainty and tolerance.