Made from natural Malachite stones, this Tree of Life Bracelet offers beautiful, bright colors! You will love its originality!
- Jewel designed in natural stone
- Total size: Approximately 19 cm (for an inner diameter of 17.5 cm)
- Adjustable thanks to its elastic chain
- Ideal for Malachite lovers!
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Where does the name Malachite come from?
Of Latin origin, the term “ malachites ” means “through”. This name is derived from the ancient Greek “ molochē
” and of the variant “ malachē
” which designates the Mauve plant. The leaves of this plant have many veins and are a powerful green. A strong resemblance to the Malachite stone!
A legend says that its name is a derivative of Greek “malakos” which designates softness. Being a fragile stone and sensitive to heat, it is a term that would correspond to Malachite.
History & origin of the Malachite stone
Adored by the Egyptians, Malachite symbolized eternal youth and rebirth. To designate life after death, the Egyptians even spoke of the “domain of Malachite”. In their beliefs, death is new life and this stone is the representation. To protect their pregnancy, women in Egypt wore Malachite around their necks . They associated the stone with Thouéris, hippopotamus goddess and protector of motherhood.
To protect themselves from possible injuries, Greek fighters wore Malachite as an amulet around their neck or as a bracelet. This green stone helped them heal more easily thanks to its medicinal properties. Decorative stone at the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, Malachite holds a precious place in Greek civilization.
In the Middle Ages, the virtues of Malachite evolved. Some believe that this stone helps to understand animals. Others use it as a shield against the evil eye. And particularly to protect children against the deadly diseases of the time.
Since modern times, Malachite has been used as ornaments for many decorative objects. Even today, we find its intense green pigments in illuminations and wall frescoes.
Malachite is found almost everywhere in the world. Deposits exist in Australia, the United States, Italy and even France. Malachite is a secondary mineral that forms in copper deposits. This stone amazes researchers with its precise and sparkling reliefs.
Composition of the Malachite Stone
Composed of copper carbonate hydroxide, Malachite has a monoclinic crystal system. On the Mohs scale, its hardness varies from 3.5 to 4, which makes it a rather fragile stone. It is easy to scratch and dissolves in acid. Its density is between 3.65 and 4.05.
Fascinating stone, its green color can range from pale to deeper green. Reduced to powder, it can be used as a pigment for art. The term Malachite also designates a color in clothing and decoration.
Properties of Malachite Stone
Physical properties
Malachite is a stone that absorbs energies. It therefore helps to cure muscle pain. Placing the stone directly on the painful area helps relieve the body. This stone is also used to soothe asthma attacks.
The copper intake of Malachite relieves painful periods . By placing the stone on the stomach, stomach cramps become less frequent. In lithotherapy , this stone is also used in people suffering from hemorrhages or circulation problems.
An anti-inflammatory stone, Malachite helps reduce infections. It helps purify the liver more effectively. With this stone, the body evacuates elements harmful to the body quickly. Malachite stimulates the body and helps increase endurance.
Physical properties
Placed on the top of the stomach, Malachite promotes the circulation of energies. It opens our mind to facilitate the expression of feelings. Wearing a Malachite bracelet strengthens self-confidence and facilitates exchanges with others.
The green color of Malachite brings hope and serenity. Its energies chase away negative thoughts. It helps combat feelings of anxiety and stress. This stone provides real moral support.
Malachite is often mentioned as a stone of protection. It serves as a shield for keeps nightmares away and promotes peaceful sleep . The Malachite stone helps overcome difficult nights by reducing mental agitation.
What is the power of Malachite stone?
Major Chakra, The heart chakra is the fourth chakra . Located between the throat and the sternum, it acts on the vital organs. It represents our relationships with others and all our emotions. Thanks to Malachite, this chakra regains its balance. The vibrations of the stone will activate the energies of the body to direct them towards this chakra. In the event of an imbalance in the heart chakra, a feeling of rejection and withdrawal may appear.
Located just below the navel, The sacral chakra is the second chakra . For the body, this chakra represents the organs where fluids circulate such as the bladder or the kidneys. Carrying a Malachite stone on you helps balance the sacral chakra. Malachite strengthens self-confidence and the sacral chakra helps to assert oneself in front of others. But if it becomes unbalanced, the body can suffer from problems.